Free Report Reveals 7 Critical Security
Measures Every Business Must Put In Place
NOW With Mobile Computing
There’s no doubt about it – the Internet and mobile and cloud computing have made our lives easier and our businesses more productive, cost-effective and competitive. But make no mistake about it: the Internet is also a breeding ground for thieves and predators, not to mention an enormous distraction and liability if not used properly. It is causing people to be casual, careless and flat-out stupid about their privacy in an increasingly litigious society where heavy fines and severe reputational damage can occur with one slipup – which is why you cannot be casual or careless about introducing it to your organization. You can’t turn on the TV or read a newspaper without learning about the latest online data breach. And mobile devices are easily misplaced and stolen.
Because of all this, if you are going to allow employees to use mobile devices – particularly personal mobile devices – to access, store and use company data, then it’s critical that you download this free educational report that outlines in clear English “7 Critical Security Measures Every Business Must Put In Place NOW With Mobile Computing.” If you have given or plan to give your employees the ability to access company data and systems with mobile devices – DON’T … until you’ve read this free executive report.
Free Report Outlines 7 Critical Security Measures
You Must Have In Place If You Let Employees Access Company Data On Mobile Devices
In this Free Executive Report, You’ll Discover:
- What specific business policy every employee in your company must agree to before they ever access company data on their mobile device.
- The 4 minimum security requirements for every cellphone or laptop in your company.
- 2 critical steps to ensure that your company data doesn’t end up in criminal hands.
- How to be 100% certain that a lost cellphone results in zero lost company data.
Complete the Form Above or Call Our Office
at +1 226 780 7537 Now to Receive This Free Report!